Diamond & Jewellery

Inspection Services

Malca-Amit has gained global recognition as a trusted logistical partner for the international diamond and jewellery trade, banks, financial institutions, and high-net-worth individuals. The company's world-class Vault Storage units — located in tax-free zones and/or bonded warehouses around the world — enable clients to view, inspect and show high-value assets in a secure, discreet, neutral and comfortable location.

Our Inspection Rooms are furnished with specialized equipment for the viewing and in-depth examination of stones. Malca-Amit personnel are on constant standby to ensure a discreet and professional environment within the secure zone — the area being continually monitored to provide full CCTV coverage. Additional security - including armed guards (subject to local laws and regulations) - is available on request.

Malca-Amit can also provide At-Inspection insurance cover with our underwriters at Lloyd’s of London.

Inspection and logistics services for diamonds and jewellery

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